Even awfully audacious teen dolls feel nervous when getting viewed by doctors. One of such beauties – Tanya – must get by a total clinic survey today. This wench apprises to look neither terrified, nor discomfited but she is inable to screw around on the frau doctor doing her utmost to tantalize Tanya for all she is worth!
The wholly nude test wench does a set of hatha yoga and woman gymnastics workouts (the side bends, the press-ups, Dhanurasana posture, et-cetera). At a later time, the doc surveys Tanya’s ribcage, does the basic measures and, even, shoots the unclad medical patient! Though Tanya feels embarrassed, she permits the doc perform everything she wants!
89 extra-fine medical fetish images and 23 min film of Tanya during medical exam are inside SpecialExamination.com – look through!